Monday, February 23, 2009

22th Feb 2009

Service this sunday was very funny. the sermon was more on believing and trusting in the arrangements that God made. to believe in the arrangement for your perfect spouse, your ideal work. God is the best paymaster and he will reward you with thirty-folds, sixty-folds and hundred-folds of your harvest.
how to identify which is an arrangement god made? you'll feel it in your heart.
Many a times, when i'm choosing which way to go or when i go out to turn gachapons, i get this feeling i should be rushing somewhere. and when i follow this hunch, i usually get what i wanted, or catch the bus at the excat time.
I believe that God loves us, and in that, he wish to see us enjoys ourselves as much as we can.
but somehow, sometimes, there must always be a balance.
God wants us well-fed, but he wish us not to over-gorged ourselves and suffer.
God wants us well-rest, but he wish us not to sleep til we wake up with a headache like a hang-over.
Like a loving parent, He must stop us before we over do something. Trust in God's ways. Let peace and enjoyment enter your life. Amen

Sunday, February 15, 2009

15th Feb 2009

Was late for service this morning. so end up sitting on the floor in the auditorium.
Today's preaching is more on sowning of seeds. and there were some testimonial of other member's harvest.

In my wallet, there is a $50 note which i folded and kept from sight. I believe that as long as i have that fifty with me, more money will come to me. sort of like a seed. and for some reason, i was able to resist spending that fifty for the past few days. 3 of the toys shops were having sale of 30% to 60%. i was surprised that i was able to resist going, as if keeping the money for something important

When the time came to sown the seed, i took out the fifty and sown it. somehow after that, i feel sort of lightened. not in term of money, but sort of like relieving a burden. hahaha maybe God's seed is very heavy. Amen.

Monday, February 9, 2009

8th Feb 2009

Service this morning was funny.

When pastor prince gave thanks for his "big mouth" the entire church burst into laughter.

basically the sermons today is more on the sowing of seeds in the time of famine and reaping many folds with the grace of god.
there are many parts i dont understand, like how come we are the generation of benjamin, but i guess more understanding will come when i understand or read the bible more.

Seagull passed me a magazine on the olive oil. bought a small bottle of olive oil and tried make it into anointing oil. i praying with my right hand over the oil and my left hand holding the magazine. strangely, as i recited the prayer, i feel some thing from my right hand flowing towards the oil. is it suppose to feel that way?

Anyway, i anointed myself, praying for a peaceful sleep as i was troubled by dreams the pass few nights. the next moment i knew after i laid down, i woke at sound of my alarm, completely rested and refreshed. guess the oil worked. Amen. thank you, God.

About Taoism and Buddhism

as i studied more into Taosim and Buddhism, i realised one thing. in both religion, there are no "Gods". firstly, you'll need to think of the word god as a term coined by Ang Mo.

In Taoism, there are 神 and there are 仙. so whats the difference between the two? Shen are ppl who died and was coronated as 神. 仙 are ppl who obtained immortality. the major diffence will be that 神 will leave a corpse between while 仙 move on with its physical body as well.

In Buddhism, 佛 finally understood the workings of the universe and moved beyond reincarnation. 菩萨 are those that can become 佛, but chose not to as they cant move beyond thier compassion for ppl. 罗汉 are those who reached a level where they can are beyond the reincarntion cycle, but not yet to the level of buddha.

In both religion, the creator of the universe and everything are not ard anymore.
regardless of things are existing or not. whether they are frictional or not. it dont really matter. when it comes to religion, its always a sensitive subject. using F-word to describe it is a absolute no-no. using the f-word for anything, was always a no-no. if you use it infront of your kids, they will use it back to you.

look at it in this sense, you wear an ugly shirt out and your friend commented that its ugly. whether you feel if it's true or not, dont really matter. it's gonna hurt. the closer you feel your friend is, the more it will hurt.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

1st Feb 2009 - i wish not to worship a jealous god.

Aunt1 threw a spock into God's wheel.

Thanks to my Aunt1's efforts, my mom was abit disturbed by my visits to the church. so today i have to accompany my parents to go pray to tai sui as well as purchase stuff for praying to tian gong on monday night.

Now dont tell me that i cant pray to tian gong, to me, its a tradition. just like recieving red packets on chinese new year. If you wish to switch over to another religion throughly, please abandon your own roots and culture as well.

In praying to our ancestors, an act from Confucianism, isnt it a higher form of paying respects to our parents?

Think with your heart. is it rite to stop paying respects to your parents after they pass on? does that sits well with you? it dont with me. it just isnt rite. it isnt comfortable at all.

In accordance to what pastor liam had said, God sees everything in every part of our life. from the beginning to the end, and he plans for us accordingly. turns out that my sis is performing service this sunday, so she'll be getting a cd for this week's sermons and she'll be passing it to me after she's done. Our God is good. Amen!